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Aeolian Islands: wines and more, a real food and wine discovery


Aeolian Islands are more than just breathtaking views, nature and incredibly crystal clear water. 

We can’t avoid to mention, for example, the famous cultivations of Malvasia, a type of grape grown on a large scale in these areas, thanks to the favorable climatic conditions that these islands enjoy.

The sun and wind that lap these coasts favor the growth of vineyards, where grapes cultivation date back to ancient times. In addition to the cultivation of Malvasia, ancient vineyards have been re-discovered and put back into production where a native type of vine called black corinthus was grown.

There are several wineries on the islands and it is difficult to say which is the best: not to be missed: Tenuta di Castellaro and Fenech.

Aeolian Islands: the Castellaro Estate

The Castellaro Estates is located on Lipari’s Piana di Castellaro and offers an enviable view: walking among the vines, surrounded by the yellow gorse, among the rich vegetation, one can see a breathtaking view. The winery is an example of design and modernity that transports one to an unexpected place, where everything is accurate and built according to a very particular logic and design. A monument dedicated to landscape, art, architecture and technology with full respect for nature. Enjoying a tasting at sunset or while on vacation is one of the most memorable experiences one can have.

Aeolian Islands: the Fenech estate

The Fenech Estate, on the other hand, is located in Salina in the suburb of Malfa. At 700 meters from the small harbor of Malfa, along small roads that cross the borough, you will get to the Fenech Estate. Mr. Fenech will be waiting for visitors, and he will be the one letting the visitors taste his wine personally, explaining the various steps and ancient cultivation methods handed down from generation to generation.

The hospitality is the most impressive thing about visiting the Fenech winery, as well as the quality of its wine and other products that the winery offers. At the estate you will feel at home from the first moment and you will smell the scent of wine crafted as it once was.

The landscape is not to be missed, your eyes wandering along the island’s vineyard fields and the blue sea as far as the eyes can see. Reasons why a trip to the Aeolian Islands is not only an unforgettable vacation, but also an incredibly rich and exciting food and wine experience.